When it comes to creating personalized packaging, many questions arise: Can a sustainable printed box be created? What inks can I use so as not to harm the ecosystem? How can I print a box in an ecological way? The most important thing is to take into account and the first step to have an eco-friendly packaging is a good cardboard box.
The importance of inks for printing your cardboard box.
The use of ecological inks in digital printing is one of the great bets in the printing sector, especially thanks to a society that is increasingly aware of our planet. Whether you are an individual or a company, this is a big step in the right direction towards sustainability. If you’re not sure which type of printing is best for you, take a look at our guide to cardboard box finishes. Here you will find all kinds of printing, serigraphy or stamping explained perfectly and with an example to fully understand it.
Sustainable printing refers to the application of ecological innovations in the three main elements of the printing process – the machinery, the ink and the printing materials. These are strictly necessary to minimize the impact on our environment.
Another benefit of sustainable inks is that they are not harmful to humans either. Petroleum or plastic based inks contain chemicals that are harmful to our quality of life. Instead, green printing is a non-polluting alternative since organic ingredients are used, such as soy or other vegetables.
At SelfPackaging we use sustainable materials and you can print your packaging with ecological and quality inks. These inks and their printing process are important if you want your business to follow an eco-friendly style, benefiting the planet and all the living beings that inhabit it.
What printing inks are ecological?
Ecological inks are those that are formulated with a vegetable base. There are several examples of sustainable inks to print your packaging, these are the two most used options:
Soy-based ink
Soy-based ink is one of the alternatives that you can use since it achieves similar effects to those that are petroleum-based. The most important thing is that it does not produce harmful effects: When oils derived from soybeans are used as solvents to make inks, a biodegradable material with little toxicity is obtained since it has been created with a renewable resource, with few volatile organic compounds.
Latex technology inks
This is the print we use at SelfPackaging to personalize our boxes. Latex ink uses water-based thermal inkjet technology, offering long-lasting, odorless prints, sharp images and durability. This ink is non-flammable and non-combustible, so it does not require special drying or ventilation equipment. Thanks to these ecological water-based inks we achieve excellent print quality, generating zero waste and toxic odours.
The operation of this technique is based on three steps. In the application phase, the liquid ink vehicle transports latex polymer and pigment particles to the surface of the print medium. In the drying phase, radiant heat and forced airflow evaporate most of the water, leaving a continuous layer of polymer. Finally, in the curing phase, the liquid ink vehicle transports latex polymer and pigment particles to the surface of the print medium.
Benefits of using ecological inks
These non-toxic inks are highly recommended for printing on paper or cardboard, and have a large number of advantages that play very well in their favor:
- They provide greater quality and durability than traditional inks.
- They offer a much wider range of colors.
- They facilitate the recycling of the material and can be compostable.
- They have no odor or are almost imperceptible.
- They consume less energy because they do not need special ventilation and do not affect the printer’s health.
- They are compatible with most materials.
- They have a very good adhesion.
- They are not flammable or combustible.
In case you still had doubts about whether the use of ecological inks pays off, we hope that with this list of pros you have been able to see that they have very positive qualities and are highly competitive. It’s time to put them to good use and start having sustainable packaging!
Implementing sustainable packaging for your brand or company has great benefits, since we not only favor the planet but our own business. Get to work and personalize your cardboard boxes in a sustainable way with SelfPackaging. Our team of designers is ready to help you with any questions, budget or project.