Shipping boxes have become a key element for the commercial success of any business, be it an Ecommerce or a physical store. With the rise of social networks, online shopping and consumption via the Internet, more and more companies decide to invest in their packaging and turn a simple cardboard box into a form of direct communication with the consumer.
To better understand how to use them and get the most out of them, it is necessary to know how to make a cardboard shipping box, and what types of boxes currently exist.
Use of different sizes of shipping boxes
This is probably the most important step to follow when choosing the perfect box for our shipment. It is essential that it has an adequate measure, neither too big nor too small, to avoid shipping and cost problems.
Small shipping boxes
Postal shipping boxes are usually the smallest out there. Thanks to the measurements of this small box we can use it, as its name says, for postal mail. Its shape is ideal, making them more economical and comfortable. Although it is a simple design, it can be very versatile as well as strong, making it a very attractive option for shipments of small and compact products.
Medium shipping boxes
For a medium shipping box we can find a wide range of options, as there are various sizes and shapes: square, rectangular, or even triangular. Each one will have a different purpose, which will depend on the product that we put inside. In a box of this size we could send almost anything, from pieces of clothing, soaps, food, gifts … Everything you can think of!
Large shipping boxes
If what you are looking for is a large package, you could choose between several options. On the one hand, if your shipment requires a more elegant touch, we recommend a box with a lockable lid, like this premium shipping box. With a packaging of these characteristics we can achieve a more attractive finish, and attract the attention of consumers by generating a positive memory of the brand. But sometimes what is important is what is inside, and the outside takes a back seat. In this case, a simple box would be the key. For example, if you are thinking of sending some bottles, a resistant structure and suitable for carrying delicate packages will suffice.
As we have seen, there are infinite options when choosing the size of a shipping box, but although cardboard packaging is very versatile, we have to take into account its purpose. A box can bring us many benefits if we know how to use it well.
Types of shipping boxes
As well as the sizes, types of shipping boxes can also be almost infinite. Everything will depend on what we put inside, since this will define the characteristics of the box.
In the case of looking for boxes to send books, we will choose a flat and rectangular one that is resistant and at the same time economical, like the postal box that we have commented on previously. This cardboard box is designed to protect them from shocks, especially the most vulnerable parts such as the corners of the spine. If you want to add extra protection, we can opt for a paper wrapper, giving an elegant and sustainable touch at the same time.
If, instead, we want a box for shipping clothes, we need something more elegant and large. Whether you are a private individual or have a store, the packaging for accessories or garments has to be resistant to withstand the products intact during shipment, since they are usually delicate.
Selfpackaging also proposes personalized clothing boxes, for a unique and professional result. These boxes can also be used if you need shipping boxes for Wallapop, being used as boxes for mailings.
Aside from the parcels for objects, we would also have to take into account the boxes for food delivery, which have seen a great boom in demand since the lockdown and the pandemic.
These take away food boxes are ideal for transporting food relatively far distances, although they are not made for long journeys. They are usually small shipping boxes with food protection to ensure the quality of the food that is going to go inside. We can find different types and forms of this type of packaging, depending on its functionality and the plate that they carry inside.
These food delivery boxes can be personalized with the company logo, adding a text or an image to give a more professional image. They are perfect for businesses, food festivals or food trucks, and their versatility makes them ideal for the vast majority of foods and meals.
Within this category we can find more robust boxes for fragile shipments such as breakfasts with glass bottles or a pack of beers. In this group we can also include pizza boxes, which are usually made of resistant cardboard. For those foods that do not need special protection, use cardboard boxes suitable for food, such as boxes for hamburgers or boxes for pastries.
How to make shipping boxes
If you have ever wondered how to assemble shipping boxes or how to wrap products to ship them in a cardboard box, you are in the right place. Getting the most out of a cardboard box is essential to save time and money, as well as to improve the packaging and the image you want to give to the recipient of the package.
The first thing you should do is store the products inside the box so that there is not much space inside. Bubble wrap is usually used to cover the gaps, although it is not highly recommended if you want to make a sustainable shipment. The best option in this case is to use paper shavings or to wrap the product with tissue paper. Once you’ve arranged the interior neatly and securely so it won’t get damaged, it’s time to add some add-ons to create a positive unboxing experience.
Finally, it is time to finish the box and prepare it. Normally, these types of models have a secure closure thanks to the lid system with flaps, but you can add an extra protection with an adhesive tape to leave it well sealed. If you want a slightly more elegant option, you can also put a sticker or label that covers much of the closure. Finally, add the recipient’s information and that’s it! You have already prepared your box for shipping in an easy and comfortable way. At Selfpackaging you can find a wide range of shipping boxes and accessories. In addition, if you need it, our team of expert packaging designers can help you create custom shipping boxes.