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Key elements of structural packaging to create your perfect box

6 Feb


You may have wondered if the packaging you have in mind is the right one for your product or if you need the help of an expert to guide you. Well, this is your lucky day! From Selfpackaging all the keys about structural packaging to choose and design the perfect box for your products. 


Technical aspects to take into account when choosing the structural design of your packaging


The term “structural packaging” refers to the design and engineering of the physical form and three-dimensional structure of packaging. It is the discipline concerned with the creation and development of the physical and functional appearance of packaging, taking into account factors such as stability, product protection, ease of use and visual appeal.

The choice of packaging is a strategic decision that can have a significant impact on consumer perception and the success of your product in the marketplace. Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Type of product: Analyse the type of product you are packaging. For example, fragile products may require a stronger design, while liquid products might need a leak-proof container or glass products need a lot of interior protection.
  • Functionality: it should fulfil the primary function of protecting and preserving the product. Make sure the size and shape suits the nature of the product.
  • Costs: Evaluate the economic impact of your choice. An overly elaborate design or expensive materials may increase production costs and ultimately the final price of the product.
  • Sustainability: Sustainability is a growing concern. Opting for recyclable or biodegradable materials can enhance your brand image and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Product Visibility: Consider product visibility on the shelf. Good design can make your product stand out and attract consumer attention.
  • Supply Chain: Ensure that the design and material selected are feasible in terms of the supply chain. Avoid complications that may affect the availability of the product in the market.
  • Regulations and Standards: Comply with local and international regulations and standards in terms of permitted materials and designs.
  • Branding and positioning: Packaging is an extension of the brand. Make sure the design reflects your brand identity and fits the positioning of your product in the market.
  • Transport and Storage: Consider the transport and storage process. The packaging should be strong enough to withstand handling and storage in a variety of environments.
  • Market Research: Conduct market research to understand your consumers’ preferences and expectations in terms of packaging.
  • Innovation: Do not hesitate to explore innovative options that can differentiate your product in the market and offer new functionalities.


structural design of your packaging


The different types of structural designs for packaging and their meanings


Features of tall containers


It is true that the height of a packaging can influence the perception of the size of the product. This is due to a visual illusion in which tall objects tend to appear larger than short objects, even if both have the same capacity or amount of content. This phenomenon is known as the “height illusion”.

This illusion can have both positive and negative implications for product marketing, depending on how it is used. Here are some considerations related to the height of containers

  • Perception of Value: often associated with higher quantity or quality, which can influence the consumer’s perception of value. This can be beneficial for products that wish to convey an image of luxury or prestige.
  • Stand out on the shelf: Height can help the product stand out from the competition on shop shelves. It can be more visible and attract the attention of consumers, which can be especially important in retail environments where competition for attention is intense.
  • Storage and transport issues: However, tall packaging can also present logistical challenges. They can take up more shelf and storage space, which could increase the costs associated with transport and storage. In addition, they may be less efficient in terms of space use in the consumer’s home.
  • Ergonomics and ease of use: Height can also affect ease of use for the consumer. Very tall packaging may be uncomfortable to hold or pour, which could affect the user experience and customer satisfaction.
  • Transparency and honesty: Although the illusion of height can be used to create specific perceptions, it is essential that manufacturers and brands are transparent about the actual amount of product contained.

Tall packaging can convey a sense of greater presence and, in some cases, may suggest luxury or quality. However, it is important to keep in mind that the shape and size of the packaging should also be practical and functional. In addition, information about the contents, such as the weight or volume of the product, should be clearly indicated to avoid misunderstandings on the part of consumers.


structural designs for packaging


Features of elongated containers


The shape and design of packaging can influence consumer perception of the health and quality of a product. In general, elongated packaging is often associated with healthy products and wellness. Here are some reasons why:

  • Association with slimness: The elongated shape can evoke images of slimness and elegance, which can be associated with products that promote health and wellness. This visual association can influence consumers’ perception of the quality and healthy nature of the product.
  • Stylish and modern: they are often seen as modern and stylish. This modern aesthetic can convey the idea that the product is contemporary and aligned with current health and wellness trends.
  • Focus on healthy ingredients: Manufacturers often choose elongated boxes for products that promote healthy ingredients, such as natural juices, plant-based beverages, or low-calorie foods. The shape may reflect the intention to offer healthier options.
  • Psychological effect: The elongated shape may have a positive psychological effect on consumer perception. Studies suggest that the shape and color of packaging can influence taste expectations and willingness to try new products.

It is important to note that these associations are largely cultural and marketing constructs. Not all long-packaged products are automatically healthy, and it is crucial to read the nutritional information and ingredient list to make informed health choices.


Features of elongated packaging


Features of wide packs


Wide packaging can give the impression of being visually heavier, even if it contains the same amount of product as thinner packaging. This perception is related to visual psychology and the way our brain interprets the dimensions of objects.

The relationship between width and weight perception can be used strategically in packaging design to influence consumer perception. Some considerations include:

  • Association with abundance: can be visually associated with more substantial and abundant products. This can be beneficial for products that wish to convey a sense of abundance or generosity.
  • Shelf impact: can take up more shelf space, which can make the product stand out more and attract consumer attention in a shop environment. This is especially important when competing for shelf visibility.
  • Visual stability: A wider pack can convey a sense of visual stability and strength. This can be useful for products that wish to convey confidence and quality.
  • Tactile experience: In addition to visual perception, the width of a pack can also influence the tactile experience of the consumer when holding it. A wider pack may feel more substantial in the hands, which could reinforce the idea of a heavier product.
  • It is important to note that, as with the illusion of height, the perception of weight based on width may not necessarily match reality. Information on the actual weight of the product should be clearly indicated on the packaging to avoid misunderstandings by consumers and to ensure transparency in labeling.


Features of wide packs


In conclusion, the structural design of packaging is crucial to the success of a product, as it affects both functionality and aesthetics. Design and you will succeed. Paying attention to the design of your boxes in advance is an ace up your sleeve so that the product conveys exactly what is intended with the branding of the brand.

And we can help you do just that! We are experts in packaging design and personalised service. Just what you need 🙂


By Elisabet, SelfPackaging

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