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FSC for sustainable Packaging

20 Jun


The use of ecological packaging has become a priority for both large and small companies. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) plays a crucial role in the packaging industry by ensuring that the materials used come from sustainably managed forests. In this post, we will explain the importance of FSC in sustainable packaging and how FSC certifications can benefit companies.


What is the FSC?


The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization that promotes the responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC certification ensures that products come from forests that meet high environmental, social and economic standards.


FSC Objectives and Principles


The FSC aims to:

  • Promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management.
  • Ensure the conservation of biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems.
  • Respect the rights of workers and local communities.


Types of FSC Certifications


There are several types of FSC certifications, including:

  • FSC 100%: It guarantees that all materials come from FSC certified forests.
  • FSC Recycled: Ensures that products are made from recycled materials.
  • FSC Mixto: It combines FSC certified, recycled and controlled source materials.


The importance of FSC in sustainable Packaging


Traditional packaging, often made from plastics and other unsustainable materials, contributes significantly to deforestation, pollution and environmental degradation. 


FSC certified materials offer several benefits:

  • Reduction of environmental impact: Promotes sustainable forest management.
  • Improved traceability and transparency: It facilitates the traceability of products from the forest to the final consumer.
  • Support for local communities: It contributes to the economic and social well-being of forest communities.

Because of this, using FSC-certified packaging demonstrates a company’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, which can strengthen its reputation and trust among consumers.


Advantages of using FSC certified packaging for companies


Using FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified packaging offers several advantages for brands. These advantages cover environmental, economic and marketing aspects, among others. Below we detail some of the key benefits:

  • Improvement of brand image: The use of FSC packaging can significantly improve brand image, showing customers that the company is committed to sustainable practices.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchases and prefer brands that use sustainable materials, which can increase customer loyalty.
  • Compliance with regulations and legal requirements: The use of FSC-certified materials can help companies comply with regulations and legal requirements related to sustainability and the environment.
  • Differentiation in the competitive market: In an increasingly competitive market, sustainable packaging can serve as a key differentiator, helping companies stand out among their competitors.



How to implement FSC packaging in your business


The transition towards the use of FSC-certified packaging is not simply a change of supplier or material; It is a process that involves careful planning, evaluation of the company’s current procedures, and a series of steps to ensure compliance with the standards established by FSC. This path to sustainability may seem challenging and complicated, especially for freelancers and small businesses with limited resources, but the long-term benefits in terms of reputation, regulatory compliance, and access to new markets are significant.


And you’re in luck! In Selfpackaging we have already been through it, and we are finally certified!

So we have everything under control and ready to offer you your FSC certified packaging without any complications and with total confidence.


Here you can consult and download our certificate. Remember that Selfpackaging is the commercial name of the global company registered as Tribe-3


Even so, below we detail the steps to choose suppliers, since a brand does not only live on packaging, and you may need others to help you with your product!

Steps to choose certified suppliers


  1. Research certified suppliers: Look for suppliers that have FSC certification. 
  2. Check certifications: Confirm the validity of suppliers’ FSC certifications. You can check it here
  3. Request samples: Evaluate the quality of materials offered by certified suppliers.


Integration of sustainable packaging in the supply chain


Integrating sustainable packaging into the supply chain is a strategic process that requires the alignment of multiple elements within your business and with your business partners. Here we present a detailed guide to achieve an effective integration:


  • Collaboration with suppliers: Work closely with certified suppliers to ensure continued supply of sustainable materials. We already do it, and all our suppliers are certified or audited by FSC, so that your packaging does not lose traceability at any time. Because we all want to know what little trees we have planted 😉
  • Process review: Adapt production and logistics processes to incorporate FSC packaging.
  • Implementation of control and monitoring systems: Ensure that every step in your supply chain meets FSC certification requirements, from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the final product. It is also very important to implement a traceability system to follow the journey of FSC certified materials through your supply chain.

Strategies ccommunication for dstake the inso de packaging FSC


To maximize the benefits of using FSC certified packaging, it is crucial to effectively communicate this practice to your customers and the general public. Here is a detailed guide on communication strategies to highlight the use of FSC packaging:

  1. Clear labeling: Use visible FSC labels on products. Consider including a brief explanation of what FSC certification means directly on the packaging, to quickly educate consumers.
  2. Marketing and publicity: Include FSC certification in marketing and advertising campaigns. Use your digital channels, such as your website, social networks and e-newsletters, to highlight the use of FSC packaging. Post specific content that explains the benefits and importance of this certification.
  3. Customer education: Inform customers about the importance of FSC certification and how it contributes to sustainability. Add a FAQ section to your website that answers common questions about FSC certification and the sustainability of your products.

But wait… Does FSC certified packaging have a higher cost??

The packaging itself should not have an additional or higher cost. But on the contrary, the communication and possibility of putting the FSC logo on your packaging does require some management on our part, both in terms of design and approval by the FSC organization itself. This process, in general, requires your effort and monitoring, so it will mean a small increase in extra service in the final budget. 

And you will ask yourself, why can’t I directly carry out all those procedures for designing and approving the certificate? Well, because we, Selfpackaging, when certifying ourselves as a company with FSC, have had to do prior training to know what the exact requirements are for the labeling and design of the FSC logos so that the packaging is accepted the first time and can be printed with the correct use of seals. 

In addition, we would have to give you our original certificate so that you can put it in the design and for security reasons we cannot do this, since we would lose control over it.


In summary, FSC is fundamental for sustainable forest management and reducing the environmental impact of packaging. Using FSC-certified packaging offers multiple benefits for companies. And of course, implementing sustainable packaging can improve brand image, increase customer loyalty and comply with legal regulations.

For this reason, at Selfpackaging we invite all companies to consider adopting FSC-certified packaging as part of their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.


We attach links of interest to obtain more information about this interesting topic that is essential for your company: 

  • FSC official website:
  • List of certified suppliers available on the FSC website:


In a world where sustainability and environmental responsibility are increasingly valued by consumers and companies, FSC certification stands out as a fundamental pillar in the transition towards greener practices. By opting for FSC-certified packaging, companies not only demonstrate their commitment to responsible forest management and the preservation of ecosystems, but also respond to growing consumer demand for more sustainable products.

Integrating FSC packaging into your supply chain not only contributes to environmental protection, but also offers multiple business benefits, from improving brand reputation to opening new markets and regulatory compliance. Adopting this sustainable practice is an investment in the future, which can differentiate your business in a competitive and increasingly conscious market.


In short, the use of FSC certified packaging is a strategic decision that combines social responsibility with economic viability, positioning your company as a leader in sustainability and contributing to a greener and healthier world. Betting on FSC packaging is betting on a better future for everyone. And at Selfpackaging we are committed to green.



By Elisabet, SelfPackaging

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